“Net neutrality” is the principle that internet service providers (ISPs) must treat online data equally, by not discriminating based on user or content. It is essential to the free, open internet that we know and love. Without equal access to the internet, we lose our rights to be heard and to hear others. But, today, net neutrality is under threat.In 2015, under the Obama

Aug 19, 2019 What is net neutrality? - ABC News Dec 11, 2017 Net Neutrality Legislation in States

Report Says EU ISPs Are Happily Ignoring Net Neutrality

Dec 27, 2018

The FCC says net neutrality destroys small ISPs. So has it

Jun 13, 2018 For AT&T and Other ISPs, Net Neutrality Is Far From Technology For AT&T and Other ISPs, Net Neutrality Is Far From Settled. The FCC abandoned Obama-era rules in June, but regulatory uncertainty persists. Leaked 2020 DNC Platform Troublingly Vague on Net Neutrality