Dec 03, 2019 · Redirection – you can set either 301 or 302 or 307 redirect for your cloaked link. 301 is a permanent redirection which is not recommended. 302 and 307 are temporary redirects and you can choose one of them for your link. Target URL – enter the affiliate URL. Pretty Link – enter your pretty link URL. You can enter multiple level like

Jan 24, 2017 · There are also a few more advantages to cloaking your affiliate links, such as: Ease of management Sometimes you might need to change your affiliate links. If said links are spread out across your blog, this could become a quite time-intensive task. By centralizing the affiliate links, you have one location to manage all of them. To solve this problem you can cloak your link; the link will point to the same url, but the status bar will not show that url to your visitors. To cloak your affiliate link, just fill out the form below with your link information and press the button. We will generate that code for you. All you will have to do is copy and paste the code into May 03, 2016 · There are several affiliate link cloaking plugins on the market, but I use the Pretty Link Pro WordPress plugin to cloak my affiliate links. (Disclosure: I came across Pretty Link Pro years ago and paid for the plugin out of my own pocket. Pretty Link Pro has an affiliate program that I signed up for once I already owned and began using the Jul 05, 2019 · Make sure you use the affiliate link to redirect so that it will get tracked. #4 Create a landing page. Creating a landing page for the affiliate option is a clever way to make your visitors click the affiliate link. There should not any distractions like header menu, sidebar, footer or any other links. Without a doubt; affiliate marketing is one of the best ways anyone can start an online business. As I am sure you know already, the opportunities with this business model are endless, but sadly; very few people ever find success with affiliate marketing. Today I am going to show you how to use affiliate links

Aug 13, 2018 · Some FREE link cloakers are following: Affiliate Link Manager. It is the free and easy to use link cloaker WordPress plugin which lets you add URLs and cloak them very easily. Once you’ve installed and activated it, just go to Affiliate Link Manager > Add Links to add new affiliate links. Here you need to paste your affiliate link and keyword.

Apr 28, 2010 · If you run an affiliate program you may have noticed that some of your affiliates use a practice known as “link cloaking.” Link cloaking is a method used to make a long affiliate URL link into Prevent other affiliate marketers from switching out your affiliate ID with theirs. Edit a single redirect if you change networks. Cloak all product links to easily add an affiliate in the future. Make your site more technically unique than the 4,000 affiliates using the same datafeed, if you’re managing an affiliate datafeed website. Dec 03, 2019 · Redirection – you can set either 301 or 302 or 307 redirect for your cloaked link. 301 is a permanent redirection which is not recommended. 302 and 307 are temporary redirects and you can choose one of them for your link. Target URL – enter the affiliate URL. Pretty Link – enter your pretty link URL. You can enter multiple level like All best affiliate gurus spend a big fortune creating, designing and improving their online marketing system to get an unfair advantage over everyone else. With ClickMeter you get the same powerful link tracking and link cloaking tool most professional marketers use, but at a fraction of the cost.

Without a doubt; affiliate marketing is one of the best ways anyone can start an online business. As I am sure you know already, the opportunities with this business model are endless, but sadly; very few people ever find success with affiliate marketing. Today I am going to show you how to use affiliate links

Jan 08, 2016 · Free HTACCESS Link Cloak Maker Software If you would prefer to not have to deal with the coding directly out of fear of errors or problems you can download the Free HTACCESS Affiliate Link Cloaker Software. The htaccess link cloaker software is part of the Affiliate Switchblade suite of affiliate software programs. Although Affiliate This will give you a masked affiliate link, but to get true link cloaking where the destination URL is loaded within an iFrame and hidden from visitors, just enable the link cloaking option: You can choose to cloak affiliate links with our viral marketing feature to get free viral traffic from FaceBook and social media sites: Link cloaking is the process of disguising the affiliate link URL, provided by an affiliate program, to obfuscate your affiliate ID and make the link shorter. This protects your affiliate commissions by making the affiliate ID less visible and makes the link more visually appealing to visitors.