To get it to work properly, after using the "add-apt-repository ppa:some/ppa" command, you need to edit the PPA source file which is located under the /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ folder, and replace your Debian version (for instance "wheezy") with an Ubuntu version - I recommend using a LTS version such as "trusty" or "precise" because non-LTS

Debian repository on Bintray multiple errors and unexpected behavior. 2. Docker on Debian Stretch gnutls_handshake() failed. 1. Linux Debian apt-get update ERROR If Debian complains about missing dependencies, you can install them with the command : apt-get install perl libnet-ssleay-perl openssl libauthen-pam-perl libpam-runtime libio-pty-perl apt-show-versions python If you are installing on Ubuntu and the apt-get command reports that some of the packages cannot be found, edit /etc/apt/sources.list Adding Debian Repositories to Kali 2 Since Kali updated to Kali 2, many useful programs seem to be missing from the repositories, including snort, hexedit, and yasm. If you try to install one of them with "apt-get install", you'll see an "Unable to locate package " message. To add the standard Debian repositories, execute this command: So, today we will setup a central local repository in our Debian server, so that the clients can install, update and upgrade the packages from the central repository without using internet. I tested this article in Debian 8, although it might work on other Debian/Ubuntu versions and it’s Debian derivatives.

We recently reviewed the much touted release of Debian 8.0. Debian 8, Codenamed ‘Jessie’, Review Yesterday, we witnessed the release of its first update, Debian 8.1.0.

How to Add a Debian Repository and Easily Edit Sources.list

Debian Public Key Server. This public key server provides simple HKP lookup and add requests for Debian developer and maintainer public keys.. The server may be accessed with gpg by using the --keyserver option in combination with either of the --recv-keys or --send-keys actions.. Please note that this server is meant only for basic key retreive/update operation, and does not implement search

Oct 29, 2018 debian - Cannot update APT list: "repository no longer has