Nov 18, 2013 · Every time you complain about government spying on Facebook, an NSA agent gets his wings. NSA, FBI, and everyone else from spying on you. If anyone is going to tell you about quitting

If you have previously communicated with someone who has been targeted, then the NSA already has the content of any emails, instant messages, phone calls, etc. you exchanged with the targeted person. Oct 28, 2013 · It may not be as gripping as a spy novel, but things are heating up after the latest reports of espionage by the U.S. National Security Agency. Oct 25, 2013 · One of the trends we've seen is how, as the word of the NSA's spying has spread, more and more ordinary people want to know how (or if) they can defend themselves from surveillance online. But where to start? The bad news is: if you're being personally targeted by a powerful intelligence agency

Nov 18, 2013 · Every time you complain about government spying on Facebook, an NSA agent gets his wings. NSA, FBI, and everyone else from spying on you. If anyone is going to tell you about quitting

Jun 21, 2013 The Only Guide on NSA Spying You Need to Read to Know All Oct 30, 2017

May 29, 2015 · What Americans think about NSA surveillance, national security and privacy By George Gao Fourteen years after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, and two years after Edward Snowden’s revelations about extensive U.S. government surveillance of phone and internet data, Americans continue to have mixed – and sometimes conflicting – views about

Jun 08, 2013 · So they just funded these pawns who collect absolutely everything you could ever want from the zombie mASSES. Government doesn't do the spying, so it's all legitimate. They get their backdoors, APIs, data sets, data on demand access. Me, I am highly pissed about the spooks and their spying. We ought to go looking for heads to hang over it. The Brian Lehrer Show has been keeping a list of elaborate tricks the NSA can use to monitor communications and data around the world, revealed in the documents leaked by Edward Snowd Data Brokers Are Now Selling Your Car's Location For $10 Online NSA can see 75% of U.S. Web messages N.S.A. Foils Much Internet Encryption How to remain secure against NSA surveillance NSA Can Spy on Smart Phone Data E-ZPasses Get Read All Over New York (Not Just At Toll Booths) In ACLU lawsuit, scientist demolishes NSA's "It's just metadata Dec 23, 2013 · NSA Spying: Whom Do You Believe? On Friday, Reuters reported that RSA entered into a secret contract to make DUAL_EC_PRNG the default random number generator in the BSAFE toolkit. DUA_EC_PRNG is now known to have been backdoored by the NSA. Feb 10, 2015 · S o, your TV might be spying on you. It probably just wanted to join in with the rest of the technology in your life, because let’s face it: if you live in the 21st century you’re probably Aug 26, 2015 · How Your Local Police Department Could Be Spying on You by August 26, 2015 August 27, 2015 Written by Terrell Jermaine Starr / AlterNet August 26, 2015 August 27, 2015 Aug 18, 2014 · However, you can just Google those services and quickly figure that out yourself. VPN software is not spying software, so no worries there. When you search for a process, you’ll instantly be able to tell whether or not it’s safe by just looking at the search results.