ReadyNAS Share and Permission FAQ | Answer | NETGEAR …

2013-3-22 · NAS 在局域网里使用很方便,功能也很强大,然而,如果它的各种应用与服务还可以通过互联网来访问的话那么就如虎添翼了。 毕竟现在是互联网时代,自家的群晖“云”怎么能只困在局域网里呢! 是时候要走向世界了,呵呵。如果我们想要让自己或者别人在外面可以通过互联网来访问 NAS,那么 群晖推出四款新一代 Plus 系列 NAS 機種 2020-4-29 · 群晖今天一口气发布了四款 2020 年的 Plus 系列 NAS 新品,分别为四槽的 DS920+ / DS420+,以及双槽的 DS720+ / DS220+。在 Synology 的各系列当中,Plus 主打的是处理器的性能,今年的新品更是升级到了 Celeron J4125(DS920+ / DS720+)或 Celeron J4025(DS420+ / DS220+),提供进阶用户或多人同时存取的企业环境所需的性能 NAS Stock Price | Norwegian Air Shuttle ASA Stock Quote

教你怎麼用 NAS 跟朋友分享檔案, HTTP, FTP, …

Creating a Share on a NAS Drive | Life Sciences Computing Creating a Share on a NAS Drive. Follow this tutorial to give users access to specified directories on your NAS drive. Click the "Control Panel" icon Click the "Shared Folder" icon Click the "Create" button Enter the name for your new share folder in the "Name" field.

2017-7-4 · Not everyone needs a home NAS. If you don’t feel a need for a centralized home file share or backup location, you don’t need to buy a bunch of hardware. If you do go this route, be sure to always have backups of your important data so you don’t lose it if your NAS bursts into flames.

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